We haven't heard too much on the talk show circuit lately from Connecticut's junior U.S. Senator, which is one reason why a call from Joe Lieberman to the Wakeup Club this past Thursday was most welcome. We did get an update on what he has been working on in Washington. Senator Lieberman discussed his involvement in addressing the growing violence among Mexico's drug cartels and how this impacts much of the U.S. We also got an assessment of the situation in Iraq. His stand on this issue put him at odds with a majority of Connecticut public opinion, but his poll numbers seem to be rebounding a bit lately. Although he supprted John McCain in 2008, he seems to be adopting a wait and see or even supportive attitude toward the Obama administration's economic stimulus package. And yes, he's been swamped by people outraged over the AIG bailout and bonuses. That issue seems to be affecting Connecticut's senior Senator Chris Dodd's poll numbers much more adversely, thanks to Dodd's committee oversight responsibilities. Whether or not you agree with Senator Lieberman, you have to admit he's managed to avoid the scandals and accusations of impropriety that have dogged many a politician. He's also a pretty entertaining and engaging guest, and long overdue for a visit to the Wakeup Club.
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