Google my name and you'll get at least three pages devoted exclusively to another Glenn O'Brien - the style writer for GQ Magazine. He also had a TV show in New York City back in the seventies which could be considered a cult classic. And yes, he has a Style Guy Blog. I first became aware of this other GO'B ten years ago when somebody I worked with at WDRC in Hartford left me a picture of "The Style Guy." It doesn't bother me one bit to think there's another Glenn O'Brien on the planet who has more fame and probably fortune, but apparently it did irk the Style Guy to find my humble corner of the blogosphere. He actually commented about me having the nerve to have his name, even implying that I was imitating him. Well, Glenn O'Brien is my real name, and it goes way back - as the Style Guy's name does - to the fifties. I also gathered he would not want to trade places with me at WBMW. I may not be jetting off to Paris, but this Connecticut "Radio Guy" is just fine as Glenn the Soft Rock local DJ. It's a riot that the other Glenn even noticed!
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