Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not Necessarily the News...

I wondered at a few recent news items, if you can call them news. The other night I saw a promo for the CBS Evening News telling us we could see how they made Brad Pitt look like an old man for his latest movie. Is it that slow a news night? I know it's a ratings thing and a lot of evening newscasts segue into tabloid shows anyway, but would Walter Cronkite have let that story get on? Here's my pet peeve about what is usually a fine news operation. WFSB-TV 3 has this habit of naming every wave of unsettled weather that comes along. If Channel 3 calls our latest 4 inches of snow "Storm Carlos" does that mean Channel 30 can call it something else? It's a winter storm - a natural pattern we survived with few problems. Imagine my surprise last night when comedian D.L. Hughley hosted a show - on CNN! At least Comedy Central calls their Daily Show the "fake news." They're apparently not the only ones doing that. Rent that 70s movie "Network." It saw the future of TV news.

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