Saturday, April 16, 2016

Law Talk

One of the best parts of doing the Glenn Till Ten Show on WICH AM 1310 is having guests, including a few who have become regulars on the show.   Norwich Attorney Ted Phillips is the best known in this select group, with his monthly Law Talk segment on the second Thursday of each month from 8:05 to 9:00am.   He answers individual legal questions from listeners while delving into the broader legal issues of the day that often grab the headlines. 

We talked about the recently enacted North Carolina "bathroom law" that mandates what bathroom a transgender person could use as well as some states' initiatives to allow businesses to refuse service based on sexual orientation.  A more conservative colleague wondered what the big deal was all about, since these instances would likely be few and far between.   If that is reason to let the states turn back time, why does an even bigger rarity like voter fraud have Republicans pushing often stringent voter ID laws that disproportionately limit participation by young people and minorities?   I often hear "let's send a message" when right leaning zero-tolerance positions are espoused.   I say we need to make it perfectly clear to anyone who wants to exclude people based on a range of labels that wholesale discrimination based on "religious liberty" or "states' rights" is unacceptable.   Let's not kid ourselves.   These "little tweaks" in the law won't mean the right wing is done with pushing their agenda back to the "good old days."