What Can We Finally Learn From This?
The tragedy in Newtown brought back memories of 9/11 for me. One difference: Facebook didn't exist eleven years ago. Most Facebook posts have been thoughtful and sensitive. Others upset me to the point where I wonder why I keep checking my page. In the interest of summing up my current feelings and listening to the voices of common sense, I wanted to share these well considered words from Nate Logan, one of my Facebook friends: In the past few days I've seen and heard arguments for more guns, against more guns, for more religion in school, against more religion in school, the need for more treatment for the mentally ill, better parenting, etc. Wounds are still open right now, people are still processing what happened. We're dealing with this each in our own way. It's so easy to cast our own opinions and point fingers, and I'm just as guilty. But maybe it wouldn't hurt if one of the biggest lessons we learned from this tragedy was that we need to learn to listen to each other, be a little more open to hearing other opinions, and giving a little more space to grieve before we start with all of the arguing. Just a thought. The solution to a problem this complex will not be simple, and it's not just one problem, but many. It will take many voices and many ideas to fix it. Keep in mind, action is bigger than a Facebook rant. It means stepping up and acting. In a perfect world I suppose...
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