Setting A Poor Example
OK, call me overreactive. It won't be the first time someone will have done that. I was driving along yesterday listening to the radio. On came this Sears commercial where a woman pretends to call in sick to get out of work. When she hangs up, her husband congratulates her on a convincing act. You see, she wanted to spend the day shopping the early holiday sales. Cute, huh? That is so wrong. What does it say about our society when an ad agency can come up with a radio spot encouraging people to fake illness to go shopping? Did other people find this the least bit disturbing? Kids, I guess it's perfectly cool to lie if it gets you off work so you can go buy stuff. The holiday season gets criticized enough for crass commercialism, but at least I can live with that. We are all capable of lying to some extent, perhaps for some greater good. So many sitcoms feature white lies, but at least the viewer sees the consequences. Telling people to call in sick in order to go shopping isn't very noble. Responsibility is learned in small doses. Someone can start on that path by pulling that Sears ad off the air.
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