Wednesday, August 26, 2009

End of an Era?

Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts was a larger than life figure. To some, he was the standard bearer of the liberal ideology who provided our last link with the Camelot era of the Kennedy Presidency. He reminded us in 1980 that "the dream never dies." To others, he represented an uncompromising liberal icon who wanted big government to involve itself in every aspect of our lives. Whether you instantly equate the youngest Kennedy brother with Camelot or Chappaquiddick, there is no ignoring the impact he had on this country for decades. Coming from an Irish Catholic - though slightly less affluent - New England family, I always tried to keep faith in the Kennedy dreams we often saw dashed in the sixties and seventies. I am also reminded about President Clinton's eulogy to Richard Nixon in 1994. Clinton said we need to remember his life "in its totality." The same should apply to Senator Kennedy.

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