Saturday, October 11, 2008

If I don't look, will it go away?

This is my favorite time of year, but instead of planning a road trip to see the foliage of New Hampshire's White Mountains I'm watching how much I have to put in my gas tank. There's some good news, as I saw one gas station on Route 85 in Montville lowering its price for regular to $3.13.9 a gallon. Everybody's talking about the economy, and the attention on the energy crunch has been eclipsed by the credit crunch. What do we do? There's plenty of blame to go around: greedy corporations, irresponsible investors, people maxing out their plastic and every politician I can think of from both parties looking the other way. So that's what I'm going to do now. Sure, we'll give the headlines about the economy on the Wakeup Club, but my dwelling on the mess won't do a thing to clean it up. I'm just going to take care of my own loose ends. It's time to get rid of my last debt: car payments. Only after that can the 52" flat screen HD-TV become a reality - but maybe not. I'm not going to pull everything out of the bank and put it under a mattress. I refuse to deny myself a latte at Starbucks if I really want one. I resolve not to consult CNBC for a stock report every hour. No way am I going online to see what that Vanguard Star Fund is doing today. Let the movers and shakers on Wall Street, Capitol Hill, Madison Avenue, Main Street and everywhere else get their act together. Wake me up when it's over - or when it's time to vote.

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